On the 30 of July 2011 RF People’s actor, Saratov Kiselev Youth Theater main stage director Grigory Semenovich Tzinman would have celebrated his 60th Jubilee.

G.S. Tsinman was accepted to the Saratov Youth theater company right after graduating from the Slonov Saratov Theater College in 1976. He succeeded in gaining himself the love of spectators of all ages, the honor of an exceptional gifted actor, who is capable of creating roles of a diverse artistic diapason.
These are his parts that the theater’s spectators and critics enjoyed most of all: “Foxy” (Rozov), “The Sausage, Botsman and the Others” (Melkerson, director Carlberg), “The Investigation” (Yura Vinogradov), “The Wood Grouser’s Nest” (Egor Yasunin), “The Private Tutor” (Zhenya Ogaryshev), “Seagull” (Treplev, Trigorin), “The Militia” (Klim), “The Old Curiosity Shop” (Kvilp), “Belugin’s Marriage” (Agishin), “The Shoe-Lace” (Father Kirill), “Small Tragedies” (Saliery), “The Trees Die Standing” (the Director), “The Sheep and the Wolves” (Berkutov), “The Golden Key” (Karabas-Barabas), “King Lear” (Gloster), “The Notre Damme de Paris” (Turanjo).
During his 27 year-old creative career on the stage of the Russia eminent youth theatre he played more than 55 crossover roles of modern and classical repertoire. Tsinman’s works were always true to life, they excelled with deep psychological work-out, artistic elegance, and professional skills. One of the peaks of his artistic life was his part of Velchaninov in “The Eternal Husband” (based on a novel by F.M. Dostoyevsky). By means of his role Tsinman managed to mightily convey complicated range of psychologically realistic feelings and emotions of his character.
He was awarded the honored title “RF Meritorious Actor” in 1992. The performance “The Westside Story” (written by L. Bernstine and A. Lorents) directed by Tsinman in 2000 proved to be a serious and mature work of Tsinman as a director, and a real success on the whole. “The Westside Story” gained huge popularity among spectators. Tsinman became the II Theater Festival “The Golden Harlequin” laureate in the nomination of “The Debut” for directing this performance.
In 2002 he staged a performance for children - K.K. Mashadu’s “The Kidnapping of the Onions”. This work of his has also got a high estimation of local and Moscow theater critics.
G. Tsinman used to be one of the theater’s leading actors, who possessed a bright personality and the ability to work out the role thoughtfully and single-handed. The characters that he created were diverse, conclusive and true to life.
One of his last works – the part of Groznov in A.N. Ostrovsky’s “The Transparent Apples” became a significant cultural event in the city. In 2003 Tsinman played one of the main parts in “The Servant to Two Masters” (Doctor Lombardi), and in 2004 he came out as the director of the performance “Just a Simple Story” (by M. Lado’s play). In the same year he was granted the honored title “RF People’s Actor”.
In 2005 this performance was endowed the laureate title of the III-rd Saratov Region Theater Festival “The Golden Knight” in six nominations. And what’s more the performance became the owner of a special jury’s diploma “For a Bright Actors Ensemble” in the same year during the III-rd International Theater Forum “The Golden Knight” (which took place in Minsk, Belarussia).
In 2008 Tsinman directed W. Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”.
The loss of the main stage director and wonderful actor can still be felt in the theater. A lot was achieved during the years Grigory Semenovich worked in the theater, but a lot more could have been done. An imperishable memory of Grigory Semenovich continues to live in the hearts of his audience and colleagues.
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